Faking it.

Good morning,

Didn’t make it yesterday, I was really tired after a long weekend. Though all I was thinking off was to wake up and write, I was just too tired I slept in.

I believe God is still keeping us and opening all our eyes in seeing our wrongs and giving us the grace to be better.

My topic today is Faking It

Proverbs 6:16-20

There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers. My son, keep your father’s commandment, and forsake not your mother’s teaching.

You know that time when you know you can’t stand someone and you end up faking it when you are around them. 

You know when you haven’t even prayed for a week but you go amongst people and acting like you’ve been fasting and praying for 40 days. 

That time you are with unbelievers but you laugh and joke with them because you don’t want them to realise how serious of a Christian you are.

You know when you are amongst friends and they are shopping but you lie that you left your card at home and only have a little cash so they don’t know you’re broke.

Well I believe there are other ways rather than faking it. You can genuinely in your heart move on and be normal without pretending.

Faking who you are to please others is such a chore.

You can also be honest with people when you have problems. I have this saying that…

“I will say it to every ear that can hear, I never know who is capable of helping”.

Being honest and genuine is such a difficult thing to do. We believes and followers of Christ are the worst.

Like this morning as I wanted to write. I didn’t know what to write and I was running out of time. Then I heard a voice say, “just make something up”. But then as I was praying during my very quick and short quiet time, I asked the lord what to write and then I realised in that moment I would write about how I felt this morning. 

I could have thought of something so extravagant. But when I haven’t been given the go ahead about certain topics, I just put it in my drafts till it comes back to me.

But you see, if I just make up something for the sake of writing everyday, it will defeat and go against the whole point of me starting this blog. Which is to give you the honest and biblical truth about any topic that crosses my mind.

I have to go now. Really running late this morning.

Let’s be real…No more FakingIt, BeReal, HonestyIsTheBestPolicy 😊😊😊

Let us let go of pretentious behaviours, learn to speak the truth. 

John 8:32, And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Be blessed and remain free from FAKING IT!


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